
Showing posts from May, 2018

Business As Usual Is Killing The LP

Imagine a business. We'll call it L Corporation. There are employees and a product everybody wants and they have locations everywhere. In spite of the locations and all those employees, the business seems incapable of attracting enough customers to grow and the competitors, whom we'll call R Corporation and D Corporation, whose product is vastly inferior, own 90% of the market. In fact, the only customers this business has are, by and large, the employees of this business. And all they do is complain about the business and try to prove they are the only true customers  and the only loyal employees while the others are just browsing and taking coffee breaks. The business has a CEO and other C-level executives. They seem to care and be genuinely interested in the success of the enterprise as do the line employees. But this is one of those cases of too many chiefs and too few Indians. The CEO doesn't want to tell the employees how to behave or what to believe. There is no op...

Lord High Commander of the Echo Chamber

Lord High Commander of the Echo Chamber By Adolfo Jimenez It’s been approximately a year since I joined the Libertarian Party of Broward County. I jumped in with all my enthusiasm because I knew I had found my political home. I knew these were people who believed what I believed. I threw myself into learning the philosophy and the language of libertarianism. I became an evangelist. I wear a Gadsden Flag lapel pin and I have a “Libertarian” bumper sticker on my car because they are great conversation starters. I want to tell as many people as possible about what I’ve found in the LP because I truly believe everyone can benefit from it. If only every member of our beloved party felt the same. I have, in my short time in the party, been personally attacked. I have witnessed the kinds of palace intrigue that the writers of “House of Cards” would dismiss as too far from reality to work as good fiction. And worst of all, I have been trapped in the Libertarian Echo Chamber. Too...