
Showing posts from December, 2020

Moon Pies and Lowered Expectations

I will admit I am not with the times. I am no pop culture expert. I don’t go to the movies. I don’t stay up late to watch either of the Jimmys. I rarely watch TV. A couple of hours per week is my limit and it’s usually a movie or documentary. But every now and then, I turn on the TV and watch a movie or binge on a National Geographic series. (Yes, I pay for cable even though I never watch it and neither does anyone else in my house.) Yesterday, I came across a film called Red2 starring Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren, and some other big names I can’t recall. They are spies or government assassins or something, all older and well passed their prime, and they (gasp!) find themselves in the middle of Russia with only a few hours to save the world from a bomb that has been hidden under the Kremlin for decades. Bruce Willis’ character takes the crew to an old safe house that he hadn’t used since the bomb had been lost in the 1980’s. The apartment is a dusty museum full of relics ...