
Showing posts from January, 2018

Unbreak My Heart

By Michael Smith When did you start accepting murder? When did you become perfectly comfortable voting for a political party that murders? Surely you were not raised to accept and embrace murdering? Think of someone you love dearly, your mother for instance. What is the worst thing someone could do to her? Yes, murder her is the most likely answer. It doesn’t matter where you come from, whether you are American, Irish, or Peruvian, Black, White, or Hispanic. To have your mother be murdered would be the worst possible thing that could happen in your life. The murderer is someone bad, so this is not someone you would support or enable in any way, right? But if you are like most American voters, that is exactly what you are doing. 95% of the voters in the 2016 election voted Democrat or Republican. You are breaking my heart. 95% of us supported dropping a bomb on someone’s mother while she was walking home from the market with groceries. You are breaking my heart. 95%...

A Hole By Any Other Name

President Trump allegedly called Haiti and some other countries in the Third World, “Shitholes.” We didn’t hear the president say this and the original source is one of his political enemies, Dick Durbin, who has a reputation for not being the most honest fellow. The world is in a fake uproar over the alleged comments, with people calling the president a racist and screaming at the sky and finding all kinds of other ways to protest, including projecting the word “Shithole” onto the facade of a Trump hotel. I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt and I believe that the burden of proof falls on the accuser. I also believe our illustrious president has given up any claim on the benefit of the doubt because in his first year in office, he has hardly been able to get through two days without sticking his foot in his mouth. Should people be offended by the comments? I don’t know. I believe that while words have meaning, their power to inspire and especially to offend...

What's in a Name

This analysis is in no way scientific. I’m just a guy waiting for the coffee to kick in. I started thinking about the three parties in the U.S. I understand there are more of them out there but I refuse to accept the Socialists or Communists and the others are too insignificant and frankly I doubt I could name them. Nor would I want to. So, what’s in a name? Democrats are, we guess, engaged in democracy, which is a form of government. Republicans are supposed to be for a republic, which is also a form of government. The U.S. is a representative republic, not really a democracy, although we democratically elect the people who exploit and ruin our republic. Confused? As you should be. The two concepts are distinct, but lately the people who should be influencing the decision makers have been squeezed out of the process, making our government something that is neither democratic nor a republic.  Libertarians advocate liberty. Doesn’t that sound nice? A lot better than those two groups...