What's in a Name
So, what’s in a name?
Democrats are, we guess, engaged in democracy, which is a form of government.
Republicans are supposed to be for a republic, which is also a form of government.
The U.S. is a representative republic, not really a democracy, although we democratically elect the people who exploit and ruin our republic. Confused? As you should be. The two concepts are distinct, but lately the people who should be influencing the decision makers have been squeezed out of the process, making our government something that is neither democratic nor a republic.
Libertarians advocate liberty. Doesn’t that sound nice? A lot better than those two groups of spoiled brats trying to rule the world and everything and everyone in it.
Libertarians are warriors for liberty. All we want to see is for you to have the freedom to become the best version of yourself you can be. We believe the best way for you to accomplish this is free of government interference. Why do we believe this? Because we’ve seen what government interference has given us. We believe you can do better.
Adolfo Jimenez is an author, poet, and blogger. He lives in Hollywood, Florida. He has published eight books, which you can find here.
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