We'll Be Okay... Somehow

 For the longest time, I’ve said that if you want to lose what little faith in humanity you may still have, spend a little time on Twitter (X.com). As I subjected myself to this torture this morning, I was reminded of why I say this. Sure, there are positive things on the platform, the occasional cute puppy or funny cat video, and some other stuff, but I gravitate toward the political. My hope for the future of my country erodes every time I log on.

After President Biden’s abysmal, but not at all surprising, performance in last week’s debate against Donald Trump, many on the left have called for his resignation, hoping he will be replaced by someone more capable of defeating Trump. I think at this point, they’ll settle for someone capable of stringing together enough words to complete a sentence. As if to add more pressure to the candidate, they want the words to all come out in the right order. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t be such a tall order. These are interesting times.

We’re witnessing the usual hand-wringing from the left, who are warning us that they will leave the country if Trump wins. First of all, they won’t. Second of all, nobody cares. Threatening to move out of the country because the other wing on that filthy bird might start flapping? Bye. 

What’s really gotten my attention is how many people on the left are threatening to kill themselves if Trump wins. The MAGAheads don’t talk suicide, they talk civil war. Both sides talk nonsense. Sure, there are reasons to be concerned no matter which octogenarian nut job gets elected, but to kill yourself because of the results of an election? Surely you jest. Even the losing candidate wouldn’t consider such an extreme reaction.  I am in no way advocating suicide, but I will say that if you’re life is in such a fragile state, you should get help. Neither of those old farts would inconvenience themselves for us, much less lay down what’s left of their lives. If getting help doesn’t work. Good-bye.

The hemming and hawing and anguish and gnashing of teeth and threats of suicide are a result of the fear-mongering of politicians and the news media. MSNBC has been wall-to-wall “Trump is going to kill people if he gets re-elected!” Fox News is just as bad but in the other direction. “We’re all doomed if Trump doesn’t win!”

Are you better off than you were four years ago? Whether or not you are has less to do with who is the president and more to do with how you react to who is the president. Are things different? Yes. Are they worse? Yes. Are they better? Yes. Can they get worse? Oh, hell yeah! Can they get better? I sure do hope so, but I doubt it.

Regardless of who is in the Oval Office, there will be ups and downs. America is in decline, that much is clear. Whether one of the current front-runners for president will change that is anybody’s guess. But I’m leaning in the direction of No. The difference is that this time we can make an educated guess. We’ve seen both of these men in action. We know that they are not the ones who will save us from the disaster they both had a hand in creating. If I hire a contractor to fix my roof and he messes it up, I hire a different guy to do the job. If the second guy screws it up, I don’t go back to the first guy. I find someone capable and competent. The trouble is, all these guys went to the same roofing school.

Knowing all this, it’s hard to see how someone would take this so seriously. People believe Trump will kill them over their sexuality or some other thing because they have been told that he will. He has never spoken out against the LGBTQ+ community. He’s never threatened to kill immigrants or to take away abortion rights. In fact, the man has said very little. He has no policy positions. He just takes things as they come and does whatever he’s going to do with them. This is not praise. I believe a president should study anything he’s going to sign or speak on. Trump chooses not to. 

Biden would love to be engaged. He can’t be. His mind, not the most impressive intellect to begin with, is in rapid decline. He can’t finish a sentence, Finishing the term is not a foregone conclusion. He’s still in it because his greedy family is doing a “Weekend at Bernie’s” style song and dance trying to convince us he’s fine because he is their ticket on to the gravy train. Are these people worth killing yourself for?

The question comes to the value of these men. Is Biden worth killing yourself for? Is Trump worth being killed for? You know the answer. So vote how you’re going to vote and know that whichever side you’re on, the work begins not on election day, but right now.

Adolfo Jimenez lives in Hollywood, FL. He is a libertarian and a former Republican operative.


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