You Are Invited!

The Libertarian Party of Broward County is honored to invite you to the presentation “What Happened to the Constitution?” by Tom Regnier, libertarian lawyer, teacher and lecturer, explains "What Happened to the Constitution?" If the U.S. Constitution is supposed to protect our liberties, how did we get the runaway government that we now have? Tom focuses on key provisions in the U.S. Constitution and how they have been disparaged, distorted, and disregarded by those in power. By the end, you will understand why the U.S. Constitution is a logical, straightforward, and understandable document and not the unintelligible, complicated mess that the courts have made it. 



The Loyal Order of Moose

 6191 Rock Island Rd, Tamarac, FL 33319


Friday, April 20, 2018
7:00 PM

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