Repeating History

There is more than one way to burn a book. - Ray Bradbury

I recently listened to a conversation between authors Michael Chabon and Neil Gaiman. The talk eventually turned to the issue of banned books. Chabon asked Gaiman if he'd ever had a book banned. Gaiman said he nearly did. Where did this happen? In America. 

Of course. The land of the free. Sad how we take that freedom and waste it on ignorance.

Gaiman explained that the uproar was over a book he'd contributed a short story to. He had written a story based upon a gruesome Old Testament passage. The religious wrong right wanted the book banned. He, of course fought it. Eventually, the wrong right relented and the book was not banned. What changed their mind? Someone actually took the time to read the bible passage. Gaiman's story was faithful to the source material.

I have always been amazed that there is such a thing as a banned book anywhere in the world but particularly that such a thing would exist in the United States of America. We are the home of free. Or, is it the land of the free? Actually, it's neither. As long as one book is banned, as long as one word is censored, as long as any form of peaceful expression, no matter how offensive, is quelled, there is no freedom.

This is not meant to be a criticism of the right, not exclusively anyway. The left has called for the banning of books and cancel culture seeks to ban people who do not march to the drum of the almighty state. Ban them from what, you ask? Ban them from the world. Ban them from expression, from earning a living.

How is tearing down a statue different from burning a book? Quite frankly, it isn't. In both cases, the goal is to keep someone from learning something, from seeing something, or being exposed to a different point of view. Are Christians so insecure that they are afraid someone will be exposed to a viewpoint that is in conflict with their own? Ditto leftists. If you know you're right, why not let people make that decision for themselves?

Regardless, the oppression of free expression should be fought by lovers of freedom. There is never a time when ideas should be suppressed. Are there exceptions? Of course. Child pornography is on the rise and the defenders of such vileness are emboldened as of late. Abusing children, indeed abusing anyone, is never acceptable.  But historical facts or artifacts, or works of literature or fiction should always be protected. Expression must be protected, whether we agree with the thoughts being expressed or not.

Adolfo Jimenez is an author, poet, and blogger. He lives in Hollywood, Florida. He has published nine books, which you can find here.

The views of the author are his own.


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